Top Microsoft Teams Best Practices for Today's Workforce

Date: Friday, September 17th at 10 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT

"With great power comes great responsibility!" Spiderman's Uncle Ben was correct and talking about Microsoft Teams. Designed to be the central connection between everything in the Microsoft stack, Teams brings a growing and ever-more-complex list of features and capabilities. You don't need to use all of them, but there are some that can make life considerably easier if you simply make the investment to learn how to best use them.

In this session, Senior Resultant, Howard M. Cohen, will show you how to produce your best results by leveraging Teams best practices. Topics reviewed will include:

  • Governance – What it means in terms of Teams
  • Who can/should create a team?
  • Naming conventions, establishing ownership, and managing membership
  • Making best use of workflows
  • Channels
  • Tagging
  • Guests
  • Policies
  • Making Meetings Productive

If all this has YOUR spidey-sense tingling join us on September 17 for the Maximizing Microsoft Teams Summit.

Here is the AGENDA for the summit:

9 a.m. PDT / 12 noon EDT
Expert Insights for Maximizing Your Microsoft Teams Installations

10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT
Top Microsoft Teams Best Practices for Today's Workforce

11 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT
Hottest Third-Party Tools

Register now!

About the presenter:

Howard M. Cohen, Sr. Resultant, The TechChannel Partners' Results Group

He is a 35+ year executive veteran of the Information Technology industry who today writes for and about the IT channel. He's a frequent speaker at IT industry events that include Microsoft Inspire, Citrix Synergy/Summit, ConnectWise IT Nation, ChannelPro Forums, Cloud Partners Summit, MicroCorp One-On-One, and CompTIA ChannelCon, frequently hosts and presents webinars for many vendors and publications.

Register now!

Duration: 1 hour

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