On Demand
When attempting to protect your organization, you’re being pulled in a million directions, trying to secure every possible attack vector. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
The shift to the cloud always seems to focus on enhanced productivity for an organization overall. But cloud adoption also means IT must figure out how to integrate “all-things-cloud” with on-prem Active Directory. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
If there's one silver lining to the emergence of ransomware in the last few years, it's this -- it's brought into sharp relief how interrelated security, backup and recovery, disaster recovery, business continuity, training and organizational policies are in a solid defense strategy. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
When it comes to end-user security, hard-drive encryption is a key pillar to consider for your security strategy. Yet while it adds a layer of security and can be required for compliance, it also adds some challenges and creates risks of accidental data loss on individual PCs. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
Using your Veeam solution for backup and replication to the Microsoft Azure cloud is a great start, but did you know it’s possible to make it better and faster? Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
Using your Veeam solution for backup and replication to the Microsoft Azure cloud is a great start, but did you know it’s possible to make it better and faster? Read on.
Duration: 1 hour
Many organizations need to provide network access to their extended enterprise -- contractors, temp workers, partners, vendors, and others -- to effectively run their business. However, these users create unique challenges and introduce new cybersecurity risks. Join us to learn the top five questions IT must address to successfully manage the extended enterprise. Learn more.
Active Directory is the living heart of most IT organizations. No matter if your organization is on-premises, in the cloud, or in some hybrid situation somewhere in-between your on-premises Active Directory is most likely the most important part of your IT infrastructure. Read on.
Duration: 1 hour
The data estate that organizations have to protect in 2019 is more complicated than ever. The old concept of a network perimeter is gone, bulldozed by cloud storage, Software as a Service applications, bring your own device practices, data on mobile phones and many employees who never really go off the clock no matter where they are. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
While Hybrid messaging and collaboration with MS Office 365 offers compelling benefits to larger organizations and the enterprises, it comes with new security and compliance risks. Learn More.
Azure AD allows you to layer features such as conditional access and multifactor authentication to help protect your users and data. Along with Azure Security Center, it helps monitor security across on-premises and cloud workloads. Unfortunately, incorporating Microsoft’s native tools alone is rarely enough to maintain a strong security posture of your Azure infrastructure. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
Data privacy and data security have been among the hottest topics of 2018, mainly due to the GDPR, which came in force on May 25. However, 2018 also saw the signing of another important law, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Although it has gotten a lot less press than the GDPR, it is nearly as sweeping, since it applies to all organizations that store the personal information of California residents. Learn more.
Duration: 1 hour
As your environment grows more diverse—more clouds, more devices, more types of apps—you need a more efficient and secure approach to management. At this technical online event for hands-on IT leaders, we’ll discuss the building blocks of a modern digital workspace. Register now!
Duration: 1 Hour
Many organizations purchase and implement software solutions based on factors like a rich feature set, a low price and an appealing user interface. Unfortunately, security issues are often pushed to the side or forgotten altogether. Consider SharePoint, Microsoft’s flagship collaboration platform. Learn more.
Duration: 1 Hour
Many organizations purchase and implement software solutions based on factors like a rich feature set, a low price and an appealing user interface. Unfortunately, security issues are often pushed to the side or forgotten altogether. Consider SharePoint, Microsoft’s flagship collaboration platform. Learn more.
Duration: 1 Hour
In this session, Threat Stack Security Engineer, Mark Moore, and CFO, Kevin Durkin, will discuss the current state of security processes and investments as organizations shift to the cloud. Learn how to build a scalable security program that fits your organization’s budget. Join us on November 8th at 1pm ET! Sign up today!
Duration: 1 Hour
There’s no doubt about it, Windows 10 upgrades have caused disruption across IT departments. Our team of Windows 10 specialists will share stories from the field and tips for successful management of Windows 10 in this technical discussion. We’ll highlight the latest best practices that every company should follow and explore the usability of unified endpoint management toolsets from VMware, Citrix, and Microsoft asking, “Do they really solve the need?”
Duration: 30 mIN
One reason companies continue to get breached is that they are too focused on the wrong things. You lose sleep over the “shock and awe” security headlines in the news — while your executives and directors use a password of monkey123 without 2-factor authentication for their email. The good news is you can greatly increase the security of your network without spending thousands of dollars on shiny new boxes with pretty blinking lights!
Duration: 1 Hour
Join Microsoft Cloud and Datacenter MVP, Nick Cavalancia, along with Matthew Vinton from Quest Software as they discuss migrating to, management of, and securing of Office 365. Learn more.
Duration: 30 minutes
In this live webcast, Quest experts Shawn Barker and Ghazwan Khairi will be introducing our brand new product Change Auditor Threat Detection — a powerful solution for proactively detecting anomalous behavior based on user activity. You will discover ways to minimize your insider threat risk. Learn more.
Duration: 1 Hour