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  • The Hotel Hijackers

    From booking a room to the payments made at shops and restaurants, hotel chains have complex networks that save enormous amounts of sensitive and private data, just waiting to be compromised. This makes the hospitality industry one of the main targets for cybercriminal activity. Learn more.

  • The Practical Security Guide To Prevent Cyber Extortion

    Cyber extortion is a form of blackmail in which victims of an IT attack are forced to pay to avoid its effects. The most common type of cyber extortion is ransomware, which is so popular among cybercriminals that it’s become a billion-dollar industry. Learn more.

  • No Kidnapping, No Ransom

    Ransomware is still one of the most lucrative weapons in a cybercriminal’s arsenal. This kind of cybercrime encrypts the files on a computer, and blocks access to them until the required ransom is received, generally in the form of bitcoin, an untraceable virtual cryptocurrency. Learn more.

  • Understanding Cyber-Attacks

    The frequency, sophistication and targeted nature of cyber-attacks has drastically changed the threat landscape. While most organizations have the means to detect known threats, although few of these types of attacks still occur, many still need to evolve their security practices to include detection of unknown attacks. Learn more.

  • Are You Ready For Your Fully-Funded Azure® Total Economic Assessment with Fujitsu?

    Whether you're an IT pro or CFP, you've heard Azure is the powerhouse cloud platform, preferred by 90% of Fortune 500 companies. It's within your reach with this unique opportunity from Microsoft and Fujitsu to receive your fully-funded, 6-week assessment of your cloud readiness. Read more!

  • A Get Fit eBook: Peak Performance: How Your I.T. Network Can Get There.

    Read this eBook, to review common areas of strength—and opportunity—so you can develop a plan to take your organization’s IT to the next level by answering five key questions.

  • How a Center of Excellence Drives User Adoption and Value for Office 365

    Every company is, or will soon be, operating like a digital company, re-engineering operations to support the new speed of business. If you’ve invested in Office 365, you have the capability to execute a digital transformation. However, enabling and sustaining that capability can be challenging. Learn more.

  • How to Simplify Your Migration to Windows 10

    Read this paper to learn about an AWS cloud-based tool that can provide IT with a way to automate migrations, upgrades and data backup without any disruption for the end user. Learn more.

  • Top Three Ways Departing Employees Steal Your Data

    Why do people take a risk and steal from their employers? How exactly does data theft play out based on different motivations? Discover top three threats that insiders pose to your data to protect it. Learn more.

  • Five Methods to Optimize and Reduce Office 365 Licensing Costs

    Office 365 licenses are incredibly diverse in both function and price. With a smart license strategy and a few tips, your organization can optimize license usage and minimize costs while simplifying day-to-day license administration. Learn more.

  • Office 365 - Why Email is the #1 Vulnerability

    Everybody loves the productivity of Office 365, but more organizations are expressing concerns about its security. Stop Phishing, Continuity and Archiving issues and get more from your O365 investment! Learn more.

  • Simplify Security - Keeping Your Business Email Safe with modusCloud

    Credential Phishing, Ransomware, Business Email Compromise, Email Fraud… these are all risks every modern business faces. Learn how their simple tactics can be stopped with the right solution. Learn more.

  • Top Eight Identity and Access Management Challenges with Your SaaS Applications

    The enterprise cloud revolution is here. IT organizations everywhere, from small and mid-sized to Fortune 500 companies, are moving from on-premises software to on-demand, cloud-based services. As enterprise IT makes this transition to a new hybrid on-demand/on-premises configuration, controlling access to applications becomes increasingly important. Learn more.

  • Complete Hybrid Office 365 Management for Federal, State and Local Governments

    Federal, state and local governments face huge operational challenges when adopting Hybrid Office 365. Cayosoft solves these problems with simplified on-premises, hybrid, and cloud administration, helping governments efficiently and securely manage their environments. Learn more.

  • Layer 3 Creates New Revenue Stream With Innovative On-Demand DDOS Prevention Service

    Worried about Denial of service (DDoS) attacks? Read this case study to find out why Layer 3 chose A10 Thunder TPS® to defend its clients against sophisticated attacks. Learn more.