World's Largest Testing Center
Testing mania in Amsterdam.
If you’ve taken one or more of your exams at a small testing center, or perhaps at a single station at a CTEC, imagine an exam center with over 100 workstations—and all of them occupied at once.

At TechEd Europe in The Netherlands in July, test administrator VUE (Virtual University Enterprises) delivered 2,101 on-site tests over four days to candidates from more than 50 countries in a variety of languages. That total is more than double the number of exams delivered at TechEd Europe in 1998 and is a record for the number of Microsoft exams administered at an onsite event. (No word on how many of the test-takers passed.) One candidate, Nigel Hepworth of the U.K., took 10 exams at the event to earn his MCSE+Internet.