Windows Advisor

GPMC Support for 64-Bit Versions of Windows

What does Microsoft plan to offer for Windows Server 2008 to manage group policies?

Q: I tried to install Group Policy Management Console for 64-bit Windows Server 2003 and noticed that GMPC isn't supported. What does Microsoft plan to offer for Windows Server 2008 to manage group policies?

A: You're correct; the GPMC download page on Microsoft's Web site states, "The GPMC does not run on 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows." This statement is misleading. GPMC will run on 64-bit versions, including WS08 and the upcoming Windows 7. In fact, GPMC is included with these operating systems. However, the 32-bit version isn't compatible with 64-bit versions of Windows.

If you try to install GPMC by downloading it from Microsoft's Web site on a 64-bit WS08, you'll get a prompt saying that it's not compatible with the version you're using, because the downloadable version is a 32-bit version that's not supported on WS08.

By default, GPMC isn't installed on WS08, but you install it using one of two methods.

To install from a Command Prompt, open a command prompt as an administrator and run this command:

ServerManagerCmd -install gpmc

Be patient because it may take some time to install the console. The numbers between the two brackets <> shows the progress. Wait until you see <100/100> before closing the command prompt window. Here's what you will see once it's done:

C:\ >ServerManagerCmd -install gpmc ....
Start Installation... [Installation] Succeeded: [Group Policy Management].

Success: Installation succeeded.

To install from the User Interface, follow these steps:

  1. Start Server Manager.
  2. Click "Features" and then click "Add Features" in the right-hand pane.
  3. In the "Add Features Wizard" dialog box, check the "Group Policy Management" box and then click "Install."

That's it! Either method will have you managing group policies much more quickly.

About the Author

Zubair Alexander, MCSE, MCT, MCSA and Microsoft MVP is the founder of SeattlePro Enterprises, an IT training and consulting business. His experience covers a wide range of spectrum: trainer, consultant, systems administrator, security architect, network engineer, author, technical editor, college instructor and public speaker. Zubair holds more than 25 technical certifications and Bachelor of Science degrees in Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Information Systems. His Web site,, is dedicated to technical resources for IT professionals. Zubair may be reached at [email protected].

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