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323K New MCPs

Speaking of  WPC, Microsoft Learning honcho Lutz Ziob kicked off a session Wednesday afternoon that was blogged about here. Scanning real quick, among a list of quick facts is this nugget: "323,000 new MCPs in the past year." As I understand it, that's 323K new certifications* handed out and not actual people who achieved MCP status (and please correct me if I'm wrong, MS).

Another one: Microsoft Learning plans to add 31 new certs in fiscal year 2010. With the slate of new products, the group is busy trying to maintain a dizzying number of exam releases pace on top of a vast array of product releases.

* Update: Microsoft sent an e-mail with a correction. The number is, indeed, based on people who passed, not certifications handed out.


Posted by Michael Domingo on 07/16/2009 at 11:59 AM

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