Optimize Exchange Performance

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Speakers: Nathan O'Bryan, Microsoft MVP
Steve Fox, Senior Product Manager
Corey Rivers, Systems Consultant, Virtualization

Organizations are moving to a hybrid model, using some Office 365 online services but maintaining others on-premises, behind a secure firewall. Exchange Server 2016 is here now, featuring a simplified architecture, smarter inbox, and better data loss protection. But does it police itself? How does it connect with the rest of the infrastructure? And how do you detect and resolve performance and availability issues that may be affecting your Exchange servers?

View this webcast for an introduction to troubleshooting Exchange on-premises, hybrid, and Exchange Online. You’ll also see how a large banking organization consolidated their disparate messaging platforms into a single optimized Microsoft Exchange platform using Foglight and other management solutions from Quest Software.

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This is a recorded presentation from October 19, 2016.

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