Building a Layered Identity Defense
Date: Thursday, September 19th at 11am PT / 2pm ET
Cyberattackers are adept at finding ways through your defenses and into identity systems like Active Directory. From there, they can move laterally, escalate privileges, access sensitive resources, and inject malware or ransomware. Implementing a layered defense that includes identity threat detection and response (ITDR) is key to protecting both your operational resilience.
Join Alexandra Weaver (Senior Solutions Architect, Semperis) to learn:
- How layered defense has changed over time
- Why ITDR is now an essential part of a robust layered defense strategy
- How a layered defense can help you combat attacks that are designed to bypass traditional methods of defense
- Which best practices lead to a strong layered defense
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About the presenters:
Alexandra Weaver, Senior Solutions Architect, Semperis
Alexandra has 20 years’ experience supporting Active Directory in a wide variety of organizations, from government to some of the world's best-known companies. After 8 years supporting the Bureau of Land Management's Active Directory, she moved to Intel to support their worldwide corporate and manufacturing forests. After some time in financial services IT, she moved to Nike where she also supported their worldwide production forest.
Her experience has included merger & acquisition projects where she migrated newly acquired companies into an existing Active Directory infrastructure, an Identity and Access Management implementation & migration project, upgrading domain controllers and associated downstream dependent applications and providing Active Directory support. Active Directory is Alexandra’s first tech passion, and she enjoys deep diving into it as associated technologies continue to evolve.
Date: 09/19/2024
Time: 11:00 am PT
Duration: 1 hour