Accelerated Win2K Exam Free to Eligible MCPs
If you passed the NT 4.0 exams on your way to your MCSE, you're on Microsoft's Win2K-MCSE "fast track."
If you're an MCSE who has passed all three NT 4.0 exams (NT Server 4.0, NT 4.0 Workstation, NT Server 4.0 in the Enterprise 70-), you're qualified to take the Accelerated Windows 2000 exam 70-240. This exam is free, and can be taken in place of a major portion of the core required exams in the new Win2K-based track, but it can only be taken once, according to Microsoft.
A date for the exam's availability has not yet been released; however, Microsoft has already scheduled this exam for retirement on December 31, 2001. For more information, visit