
Storability Enters SSP Market

The storage service provider market is in its infancy, yet a new company has already devised a new strategy for utility model storage. Storability Inc. has entered the market with a strategy geared toward mature businesses’ storage needs.

"We work from our customers needs," says Kirby Wadsworth, vice president of marketing for Storability ( Storability develops storage plans on a case by case basis for each customer, designing a strategy to suit customers needs.

Storability expects to house and maintain customers' storage on site, while monitoring the devices at Storability offices. Customers can choose, however, to have the storage off site.

Traditional storage service providers keep storage devices at a central location, and target enterprises with a desire for rapid scalability. Storability differentiates itself by inverting this equation.

Storability's pricing is based around the utility model. "We take the risk of every portion of the infrastructure," Wadsworth says. Although the devices will be on site, customers do not make the capital investment, nor will they maintain the devices. "The only thing a customer has to worry about is deciding what they want," Wadsworth says.

Wadsworth makes a distinction between Storability and storage service providers. He considers Storability to reside in a different category, a storage infrastructure provider. In spite of the unit pricing, Storability offers value in creating and maintaining a storage infrastructure, rather than blocks on a hard drive. - Christopher McConnell

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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