In this second phase of your Active Directory testing, it’s time to try out the utilities included in Windows 2000 to simplify your networking duties.
AD Administrator’s Toolbelt
In this second phase of your Active Directory testing, it’s time to try out the utilities included in Windows 2000 to simplify your networking duties.
Last month we
left the newly installed Active Directory Domain Controller
in pristine condition. With the installation of AD complete,
the next step is to verify that it’s properly working
on your test machines. You don’t want to discover problems
after the users have been added or it’s in production.
As with any Windows 2000 or Windows NT service the first
place to look for useful information in terms of functionality
is through the Event Viewer.
The Event Viewer, found under the Administrators menu,
has been expanded beyond the original three System, Application,
and Security logs to include service-specific logs for
ease of organization. These include Directory and DNS,
with other services added to the viewer as they’re installed
on the machine as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The Event Viewer shows
you what services have been installed on your server. |
The first place to look is under the Directory Service
log. The obvious things to look for are the red stop signs
that are evidence of a problem with Active Directory or
a supporting service. As with the previous Event Viewer
you can open up each of these entries to display more
detailed information, such as a description of the service
("Microsoft Directory startup complete, version 5.00.2160.1"),
the type ("Information"), who’s listed as the
user ("Everyone"), and which computer it’s installed
on ("LUKE").
You also should look in the DNS logs to make sure that
this critical service is functioning properly. Remember,
if you don’t have a DNS server, your clients won’t be
able to locate the AD domain controllers. If you’re not
using the Microsoft DNS, then you can use Nslookup instead
of the Event Viewer to see if the DNS server you’re relying
on is functioning properly. Nslookup emulates the resolver,
the client part of DNS name resolution, and is a commonly
used command-line tool for troubleshooting DNS problems.
While PING is useful for verifying that the server running
the DNS is up and available, it doesn’t give you enough
information to verify that the actual DNS service is functioning.
To verify communication with a DNS service, just run
Nslookup at the command prompt without a server name so
you’ll be in interactive mode. At the > prompt type:
You’ll get a verbose response to any query. Once the
> prompt returns, reflecting that debug was successfully
turned on, type in the command SERVER followed by the
name of the server that you want to query. Your response
will look something like Figure 2.
Figure 2. NSLOOKUP can help you
troubleshoot DNS problems for a given server. |
The complete details of this response are beyond the
scope of this article, but the return of the information
above shows that this DNS server was successfully queried
and that its response was authoritative. An authoritative
response means the information was returned from the actual
resource records, not the cache. Under the Questions:
section you can see that the resource record for
was returned. From this basic response we can verify that
this DNS is functioning properly.
If a DNS problem exists, you’ll probably receive a message
like Figure 3.
Figure 3. What a malfunctioning
DNS server responds to Nslookup. |
Since you’ll eventually be translating your practice
sessions to an AD production environment, be forearmed:
This type of query should also be a part of your regular
monitoring duties. DNS problems are now AD problems.
Another test is the obvious one: Does it work from the
client as intended? If AD is properly configured, test
workstations and member servers should be able to join
a domain and query the database for resources. Since our
DNS is verified to be functioning properly, we should
be able to join the NEWMAN domain. This is similar to
the NT process with a few minor differences, mainly that
you must go to a different location to find the place
to make the appropriate change. First, right-click on
My Network Places and select properties. This brings up
the window in Figure 4.
Then select Advanced | Network Identification. This brings
up the screen in Figure 5, which looks similar to the
old screen for Network Identification.
Figure 4. Once AD is configured,
workstations and member servers should be able to
join a domain and query AD for resources. This starts
through My Network Places... |
Figure 5. ...and lands in Network
Identification, where you’ll start a wizard to handle
the process for joining a domain. |
When you click on the Network ID button here, it starts
a wizard that takes you through the process of joining
a domain. After you complete the wizard and have joined
a domain, you can also further test the AD installation
by using the directory to locate a resource.
For example, if you click on the Start button and select
the Search option, you can look for files, folders, printers,
people, and other network objects. Figure 6 shows an example
of a search through the directory for a printer. When
the Directory is available, you can see the contents of
the directory and choose a starting location for the search.
Getting this far is a good indication that the directory
is available and functioning properly.
Figure 6. After you’ve joined
a domain as a user, you can search for resources worldwide
as easily as those available locally. |
Rearranging the Services
Once you’ve verified that the AD installation is functioning
properly and that it can be located through the DNS, it’s
time to explore the various interfaces you’ll use to manage
the directory. Let’s look at some of the new tools that
have been added to the Administrative Tools menu.
Since you’ve probably got a strong Windows NT 4.x background,
you’ll no doubt be pleased that you get to relearn all
of the places you need to go when you want the right tool.
Your garage has been rearranged for you. Here are a few
tools worth tracking down:
Active Directory Users and Computers
You’ll probably spend most of your on-going time within
this tool. ADUC is used to perform fundamental tasks such
as creating, modifying, moving, and deleting user and
computer accounts, organizing them with organizational
units (OUs). Essentially, this is where you add objects
to the directory. Once the objects are created, their
properties are accessible from this tool and it allows
you to publish network resources such as shared folders
and printers.
Active Directory Domains and Trusts
This presents a graphical view of the trusts created as
you add domains to the directory tree as shown in Figure
Figure 7. The AD Domains and
Trusts window gives a graphical view of trusts as
you add domains to the directory tree. |
By selecting a domain and right-clicking you can bring
up the Properties page (Figure 8) where you can verify
and manage the trust relationships.
Figure 8. Looking underneath
each domain you’ll find the means to manage the trust
relationships. |
The General tab is where you change the Domain mode from
mixed mode, which supports NT domains, over to native
mode—Win2K-only support. This is an important decision:
You can’t reverse it, except through reinstallation (sort
of like converting a file system to NTFS). The Trusts
tab displays the various trusts in relation to this particular
Active Directory Sites and Services
Sites are collections of well-connected subnets, which
are characterized as connected to each other at LAN speeds.
This tool allows you to manage the connections between
each site and the replication process that uses these
connections. The AD Sites and Services manager displays
a graphical representation of the site relationships as
shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. The AD Sites and Services
manager lets you manage the connections between sites
and the replication process across sites. |
In addition to the site replication control some of the
other things that are managed here are licensing, the
replication protocol to be used, and delegation of administrative
control over the various sites.
Computer Management
Another tool installed on the domain controller, which
will probably have more use than all the others, is the
Computer Management interface shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. The Computer Management
interface uses MMC to collect in one place all of
the miscellaneous tools that don’t fit elsewhere but
that will be essential to your day-to-day management
of the directory. |
This treasure trove of utilities is essential for the
day-to-day management of services that support the directory—and
all of the other services as well. The tools of Computer
Management brings almost all of the disparate utilities
available in NT under one roof through the Microsoft Management
This brief overview of the tools used in Active Directory
management just touches the edges of what you need to
know, but it’s a solid starting point to embark from.
If there’s any advice I’d offer you at this point in your
Win2K efforts, it’s this: You don’t need to rush this
product to production. Spend time with the tools you’ll
be using to manage the directory and supporting services.
Once the directory is installed, create some temporary
accounts and an organization to get a feel for the tools
and the relationships between the services and objects
that make up the directory. While many of the objects
can be torn down or rearranged fairly easily, there are
many that can’t be changed once they’ve been created—and
you don’t want to affect the work of users who rely upon
the system down the road when you determine that perhaps
a different approach would be more effective or scale
better. When you’re in the early stages of using Win2K,
don’t build something you can’t tear down; with the passing
of time, new and clearer ideas will move to the forefront.