
Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 Nearing General Availability

Continuing to roll out components of its .NET Enterprise Servers product line, Microsoft Corp. today announced that Commerce Server 2000 will be generally available in December.

The announcement comes just two weeks after the release to manufacturing of Commerce Server 2000. Already, companies such as Starbucks Coffee Company and have deployed evaluation copies of Commerce Server to power their e-business operations. Those who are deploying the evaluation copy will have an easier path to production when the product becomes available in December.

Commerce Server 2000 targets companies that want to extend their products directly to business customers via online ordering or integration with buy-side applications, as well as indirectly via e-marketplace integration.

With a fully integrated subsystem, Commerce Server 2000 provides the infrastructure that allows companies to build tailored solutions for online retail, supply-side B2B, e-marketplace applications, and e-business analytic scenarios. It also enables companies to effectively manage their online business by providing integrated systems for user profiling and management, targeted campaigns and personalization, flexible order processing, and product and service management.

Some of the new features in Commerce Server 2000 include personalization, merchandising, and user management; business decision support; empowered business managers; flexible order processing; and catalog management. – James Martin

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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