
Axent Unveils ESM for Web Servers

Axent Technologies Inc. released Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) for WebServers, the first security solution to assess critical vulnerabilities and define, manage, and enforce e-security policies for enterprise-class Web servers.

ESM for WebServers is the first shipping solution in Axent’s new ESM Application Security Series, a family of solutions designed to address security vulnerabilities and policy compliance of new mission-critical e-business components such as Web servers.

ESM for WebServers provides users with three check groups that contain over 270 Web server vulnerability checks. Each of the checks examines a specific area of Web server security. The checks in ESM for WebServers cover three major areas of Web server security, including Common Gateway Interface (CGI), FTP utilities, and Bastion Host services. Additionally, users can proactively monitor the top ten security threats identified by the FBI and Department of Justice.

Contact Axent, (301) 258-5043,

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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