
Almost a Third of Windows 2000 Shops Not Using AD

Out of 1,139 votes, 61 percent of respondents who had migrated to Win2K had moved to Active Directory.

Although Windows 2000 implementation is going strong, companies are less enthusiastic about instituting one of Win2K's main features, according to an poll.

Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine's online presence took a poll late last year and found that, of 1,139 votes, 61 percent of the respondents who had migrated to Win2K had moved to Active Directory, while 29 percent had not yet made the switch to Microsoft's version of directory services. About 10 percent of those responding in the unscientific survey didn't know if their company switched to AD or hadn't move to either product. (Click here to view the results.)

AD on Win2K is more stable and much more scalable than Windows NT's limited directory services architecture, but is a radical departure from previous Microsoft OSs, with a steep learning curve. Implementation often requires outside consultants, and IT staff must learn the intricacies of DNS and TCP/IP, making it a costly network upgrade.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the editor in chief of Virtualization & Cloud Review. Follow him on Twitter @VirtReviewKeith.

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