
70-300 Exam Voucher Deadline Extended

Microsoft last week extended the deadline for MCSD on .NET candidates to obtain the free voucher for Exam 70-300, Analyzing Requirements and Defining .NET Solution Architectures.

Microsoft last week extended the deadline for MCSD on .NET candidates to obtain the free voucher for Exam 70-300, Analyzing Requirements and Defining .NET Solution Architectures. That deadline is now Sept. 30, 2003.

Only current MCSDs who obtained their titles using Visual Studio 6.0 are eligible for the voucher.

For information on the free voucher, go to For more information on the 70-300 exam, go to

[For a related story, see "Free Voucher for 70-300 Exam " in the News archive.—Ed.]

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.

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