IT Weekly Roundup, Nov. 5
From the business wires this week: a server load balancing solution, a network security system and more.
released its
TrafficWorks Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)
software solution for use with its ServerIron GT E-series line of
application switches. TrafficWorks GSLB enables enterprises and service
providers to build scalable application infrastructures with intelligent
load balancing and redirection of traffic among multiple data center
sites through standards-based DNS and IP routing protocols.
Mindjet launched MindManager X5 Pro Release 5.2,
a visual tool for mapping, planning and organizing projects and
information. The free upgrade for current MindManager X5 Pro customers
enables them to perform large-scale deployments of the software
to desktops via servers using Windows Server 2003 running Terminal
Services or Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0, and also features
tighter integration with Microsoft Word.
Apani Networks’ In-depth Network Security (INS)
System helps businesses employ point-to-point security and
shield critical data transmission from attacks. Through Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES)-based network encryption and centralized
management, INS System combines authentication, access and administration
of IP points on even heterogeneous networks with Windows, UNIX and
Linux host computers. Available Q1 2005.
The MegaNAC 240 handles dial
and IP transactions. |
The MegaNAC 240 from Hypercom Corporation is a high-density,
multi-function point-of-sale network access controller designed
to speed transactions for financial institutions, retailers, service
providers and other organizations that handle high volumes of transactions.
The concentrator is driven by an advanced digital signal processor
(DSP) network interface module that supports a full T1, E1 or ISDN
PRI trunk on a single card as well as a range of host and WAN protocols,
including TCP/IP, SNA/SDLC, X.25 and Frame Relay.