
Windows XP SP2 Hotfix Posted for SBP-2 Problem

A hotfix was posted to the Microsoft Download Center on Friday for users who ran into trouble with Serial Bus Protocol 2 devices after installing Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Serial Bus Protocol 2 (SBP-2) devices include IEEE 1394 devices. Common devices that connect to IEEE 1394 ports include digital camcorders and Apple iPods.

In this case, several problems arose for some Windows XP SP2 users after connecting an SBP-2 device to the computer, including:

  • The SBP-2 device stopped responding or did not work.
  • The SBP-2 device was not displayed in Device Manager.
  • IEEE 1394 devices that were already connected to the computer stopped responding or did not work.

    The fix, recommended only for users who experience the problem, is available here.

    More detail on the problem is available in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 904412.

    "This hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next Windows XP service pack that contains this hotfix," the KB article stated.

  • About the Author

    Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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