
Windows Hosted Exam Beta Coming Soon

Microsoft to offer beta test for exam aimed at candidates who work with Windows Server 2003 in a hosted scenario.

If an item posted on the Pearson Vue testing site is to be believed, Microsoft is set to release a new exam for IT professionals who work for Web hosting companies. Exam 70-501 TS: Windows Server 2003 Hosted Environments, Configuration and Management is set to be in beta testing beginning Oct. 13, with testing ending on the 26th.

The exam name implies that it's aimed at candidates who work for Web hosting companies who run Windows Server 2003 in a hosted environment. Microsoft hasn't mentioned a new certification track under the MCP program that would match up with this exam, so the assumption we'll make here at is that the exam is aimed at Microsoft Certified Partners who want to fulfill the Hosting Solutions requirements under the Advanced Infrastructure Solutions competency. Currently, companies who want to fulfill the Hosting Solutions requirements need only hire or contract with two individuals who have a Microsoft Certified Professional certificate.

So far, no exam objective guide was posted on the Microsoft MCP site. Microsoft was also unable to comment as of this writing; continue to watch this item as we update it in the days to come.

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.

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