
How To Validate XML Documents Using PowerShell and XSD

The tiniest mistake could throw your whole list off.

Using .NET Members in PowerShell

Even with limited technical know-how, you too can work with .NET classes.

A Look at JSON and PowerShell

Here's how to convert objects to and from the text format in the latest PowerShell version.

How To Maintain Folder Structure When Copying Files with PowerShell

Transferring files with multiple subfolders gets a bit tricky. Here's how to avoid any issues.

Exploring the PowerShell Gallery

Grabbing and organizing cmdlets has been made much easier in PowerShell V5.

Zipping Items Using the PowerShell V5 Cmdlets

You can either do it long way or the easy way.

Matching and Using Regex Groups with PowerShell

Even though it has somewhat of a checkered reputation, being able to wield it will save you a ton of time.

Tracking Changes to a Folder Using PowerShell

Using the FileSystemWatcher class will aid in documenting even the slightest changes.

How To Design a PowerShell Module

Modules help to make your code easier to move from one place to another.

Delegate SCCM's Remote Tools Without the Console

Quickly let someone else remotely take the reins with this handy tip.

Enhance Your PowerShell Experience Using PSReadLine

This console editing feature has quite a few handy uses.

Comparing Common Actions in Batch, VBscript and PowerShell

If you haven't dipped your toes in the PowerShell water yet, here's a good primer to get started.

Provide Safe Scripting by Adding WhatIf Support

Be sure something won't break with your code with this handy parameter.

Keeping You Honest in PowerShell with Set-StrictMode

Sometimes we need a nanny to make sure our scripts are on the up and up.

Multithread Your PowerShell Commands Using Runspaces with PoshRSJob

Get more done with this handy module.

Treat Your Scripts Like Cattle

Standardization will ensure that your code works today, tomorrow and down the road.

Taking Control of Strings in PowerShell

Here's how to format and use strings in your code.

Writing Readable PowerShell Code for Your Future Self (And Others)

Code with aliases and comments may help you to keep your place, but will you remember what it means a couple years down the road?

How To Manage File Hashes in PowerShell

This will be a technical article introducing file hashes, how to generate hashes with PowerShell and, when copying files, how to use hashes to your advantage to ensure file copies were successful.

When To Reinvent the Scripting Wheel

While grabbing premade scripts to solve your current problem is a huge time saver for IT, you're missing out on quite a few things by not doing it yourself.

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