IT Administration

Searching Active Directory Objects

Create a customizable ADO search box.

Moving Program Files

Bad things will just happen if you decide to move the Program Files folder through some brute force method. Don't do it, and here's why.

Capture the Script

Here’s how Ethereal can be used to capture the contents of a batch start-up script.

Scripting Software Deployments

Why scripting makes for a poor software deployment tool.

UPDATED: Microsoft Patches 3 Flaws, Zero-Day Still Open

As expected, Microsoft released three patches today to fix one critical Office vulnerability as well as two Windows flaws.

Do Vulnerability Auctions Compromise Security?

On the fence regarding whether vulnerability researchers should be compensated for their findings. Plus, "friendly hacking" between Netscape and Digg users; 74,000 .eu domain names frozen.

Vista Now Available to Beta 2 Participants

As expected, Microsoft has widened the availability of Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 (RC1) to users who participated in the Vista Beta 2 testing program last spring.

Windows Update Woes

The all-too-familiar errors of Windows Update's ways calls for a quick fix.

Microsoft and Cisco Demo New Interop Tech

Microsoft and Cisco demonstrated this week a single client agent providing interoperability between the software giant's coming Network Access Protection (NAP) and the networking behemoth's Network Admission Control (NAC) protocols.

Troubleshooting Tips for Virtual Server 2005

Handful of small tips for working with Virtual Server 2005

What Software's in Your Box?

Hard to believe, but even scripting has its weaknesses -- particularly if you need a list of all your computer's installed software.

Microsoft To Drop Support for XP SP1

Microsoft will discontinue all public support of Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) on Oct. 10.

FTP Frustration

Troubleshooting FTP -- where to look.

Wi-Fi's 'N' To Get Industry Group Nod

An industry group of wireless networking companies said Tuesday it will start certifying next-generation routers and network cards in 2007, a year before official standards are expected.

SA 'Reparations' vs 'Incentives': What's in a Name?

The real scoop on how Microsoft is handling accounts burned by Software Assurance, and what you can do about it.

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