IT Administration

Decommissioning Domain Controllers

Even after removing your old DCs, the event logs might be lying about. Here's how to kick them out.

LKGC Testing Trouble

To get some practice recovering a downed computer, you need one that can be broken at will. Here's a scriptable way to do that.

Dell Launches IT Service Plan

Dell seeks to expand in the lucrative business of maintaining other companies' computers, plans to launch a new service plan that uses Google mapping technology.

Automating Local Admin Password Changes -- Readers Weigh In

Need to change local administrator passwords across your domain? Here are a few more ways to get it done.

ATA-Class Storage -- The End of Tape Backups?

DRBC #4: With a solid DRBC plan in place, it might be time to consider replacing your backup plan with more reliable technology that doesn't call for the janitor at a remote site to occasionally change tapes.

Microsoft Launches Online Office Preview

Company's online preview of its new Office business software is part of efforts to drum up more interest in the coming set of releases.

Lost Domain Admin Password Panic

Here's what to do when your Windows 2003 domain password has been lost.

Local Admin Password Problem

Here are a few methods for changing the local administrator password on all computers in your domain.

Microsoft Ships Compute Cluster Server 2003

Microsoft has released its high-performance computing (HPC) platform -- dubbed Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 -- to manufacturing, meaning it will be available to customers in August, the company said Friday. However, evaluation copies will be distributed at Microsoft's TechEd 2006 developers conference in Boston the week of June 11.

VMware To Ship Infrastructure 3

Palo Alto, Calif.-based VMware is rolling out this month a new suite of its virtualization tools that bundles both existing and new products into a package meant to more closely reflect what customers say they need as their deployments become more complex. High on that list, say company officials, is the ability to manage a lot of virtual machines from one centralized view.

Virtual Bliss

VMWare and Microsoft are pitted against each other in the virtual server space and we benefit by not having to pay much up front. In fact, we pay nothing.

Cleaning Up After AD

How to gracefully demote Active Directory domain controllers and the mess left behind by doing so.

Share Migrations Made Easy

Migrating file and folder permissions? Easy. Moving share permissions et al? That's another story. Here's how to ease the pain.

Companies Rally Around Systems Center Family

Field report from the Microsoft Management Summit in San Diego

Microsoft Unveils New SMS Features

Besides changing Systems Management Server’s name this week, Microsoft opened the veil on new features coming in the next major release, dubbed "Systems Center Configuration Manager 2007."

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