
Visual Studio .NET Beta Has Time-Bomb Bug

A "time bomb" bug in Visual Studio .NET Beta 2 will cause problems with the design-time environment after July 31. Microsoft is sending testers an upgrade to the Visual Studio Enterprise Architect beta software.

IDC: Worsening European Economy Could Drive Down IT Market

IDC is signaling that its current projections for global IT spending may be as much as $150 billion too high, based on recent economic problems in Europe.

Microsoft Unveils Word Processing & E-mail Package for Mac Clients

Microsoft announced a lower-cost word processor and e-mail package for Mac users on Thursday.

NetIQ Packages its Security Products

NetIQ this week moved to roll its security products together into a complete security solution. The strategy incorporates some products from its recent acquisition, WebTrends.

A Bundle of Trouble? Implications Persist for XP, .NET

Court's findings on product tying mean Microsoft could face more than the usual technical obstacles to getting Windows XP out the door Oct. 25, some industry observers say.

Windows XP RC1 Out

The first Release Candidate for Windows XP is available. The milestone marks the first look at Microsoft's next-generation client operating system in its feature-complete form.

Tea Leaf Time: What's Next in the Antitrust Case?

Although the outcome of the antitrust proceedings against Microsoft Corp. may appear to be anything but certain, legal experts concur that in the near term, at least, events in the case should for the most part be predictable.

Users Greet Antitrust Decision with a Yawn

While a federal appeals court’s decision to vacate Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson’s ordered break up of Microsoft Corp. may have surprised some industry watchers, many IT managers say that they saw it coming.

MOM Gets into .NET Management

Microsoft demonstrated Microsoft Operations Manager 2000 at Networld+Interop.

Appeals Court Revokes Jackson's Break-Up Order

The constantly spinning worm that is the Microsoft antitrust case turned in Microsoft's favor as a federal appeals court vacated the break-up order against Microsoft. The court didn't touch the lower court's finding that Microsoft violated antitrust laws.

Attracting Students to C# With FreeBSD

Microsoft is working with Corel to get C# running on FreeBSD. One industry observer says Microsoft's motivation is reclaiming students (i.e. future developers) from open source.

Update: Microsoft Clears High Hurdle in Appeals Court

U.S. Court of Appeals has reversed the breakup order handed down by Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson.

Intel Speeding up Pentium 4

Intel will bring out a 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 processor in July.

RC1 for Windows XP Coming Within 10 Days

Microsoft will put out the first release candidate for Windows XP within 10 days, a Microsoft official says. The company expects a $1 billion marketing campaign for the new client OS.

Compaq, IBM Roll Out New Server Hardware

Compaq unveils ProLiants with memory protection features. IBM shows off servers built on Intel's Tualatin processors.

Outlook 2001 Fleshes Out Microsoft's Cross-Platform Story

Microsoft Corp. Wednesday posted to its download Web site the final code of Outlook 2001, a version of its Outlook mail and collaboration client for Macintosh platforms.

Win2K MCSE Survey: Upgrade IS in Your Future

Survey of newsletter recipients indicates large number of NT 4.0 MCSEs plan to recertify before the deadline.

Limited LDAP Vulnerability Surfaces

Microsoft alerted customers Tuesday to the existence of a new vulnerability in Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server that affects the software giant's Active Directory enterprise directory services.

Exchange Service Pack Full of Features

With most products Microsoft is moving away from new features in service packs. The Exchange 2000 service pack bucks the trend, adding migration help, Outlook 2002 and support for a new anti-virus API, Mobile Information Server and Datacenter Server.

FrontPage 98 Exam Retirement Nears

June 30 also means end for MCP+Site Building title.

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