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Fooled You! A No-Show for Conficker

IT media was in red alert mode yesterday, waiting for Conficker to strike. I'm sure most of us sighed with a modest amount of relief when nothing happened yesterday. Better to be prepared for nothing than unprepared for something, my mom used to say.

For MCPs out there who've been keeping an eye out for Conficker, here's something useful to share with users. Slashdot blogs about a Conficker Eye Chart developed by Joe Stewart with the Conficker Working Group.

I tested my machine by running the test in both IE 8 and Google Chrome; IE 8 came through with flying colors, while Google Chrome required two refreshes for the test to turn up negative for Conficker. If only all tests were so easy to conduct -- still, makes me wonder if I'm living with a false sense of security. Offer me some feedback and tell me if your machines appear healthy after taking this simple test.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 04/02/2009 at 11:59 AM

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