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What's the Word?

Mainstream support for Office 2003 ends next week. I'm unsure of our own company's migration plans; I just haven't asked. Since I'm mostly holed up at the home office without an official Office 2003 license, I switched to OpenOffice long ago. I just can't fork over the dough when there's a free, highly capable alternative.

I'd like to know your thoughts on OpenOffice 3.0, especially if a) you're an admin who's moving to OO rather than newer versions of Office, b) you switched, only to find out that Office has features that your company really needs, or c) you're running both (and explain why).

Your comments might make it into an upcoming feature. Send all comments to me at [email protected].

Posted by Michael Domingo on 04/10/2009 at 11:59 AM

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