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Feds Want IT Workers

The job market isn't all gloom and doom. You can find pockets of good news here and there, and there's one in a very unlikely place right now, even amid the recession, if you're an IT pro: the federal governement. Joab Jackson reports that 11K IT-related jobs are to be had over the next three years, which breaks out to about 3,666 jobs each year.

I know that everytime we publish one of these job-based pieces online, we tend to hear about the folks who have lost jobs. Keep those comments coming; those stories of unemployment are incredibly important to know about, as they do exemplify what's happening out there in corporate America. If you've been squeezed out of the IT job segment and don't plan to head back, we'd like to know why and where you're headed. If you plan to stick it out in this segment, we want to know why IT has such high allure.

But I also want to hear about some success stories, of people who left jobs or were laid off and found work soon after. What's your secret and what's the mood at the company you're at now? And if you're coming from another job segment altogether -- sales, food service, what have you -- we want to know what it took to get to your first IT job and if it's all you expected it to be.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 09/09/2009 at 11:59 AM

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