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Microsoft Lists Exams for Retirement

Microsoft Learning just updated its list of exam retirements and it's usually a surprise to see what's going to be put out to pasture. For example, what's 70-123 and who took that one, ever? (Raise your hand if it meant something to your certification resume. You deserve an award, just not sure what.) And then there are the project management-themed exams, numbers 74-131 and 70-281. I just can't remember those even being exams that meant something to anyone out in MCP-land.

Exams for BizTalk Server 2004 and anything on the list sporting a version 2003 designation, well, they seemed destined for the list.

The retirements mean that the exams will no longer be available after Oct. 31, 2010. If your certification efforts requires one of the exams listed, you best hurry up or, better yet, seek out an alternative track to remain technologically relevant.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 05/13/2010 at 11:59 AM

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