Works Like Ginkoba, But Lasts Longer
In "
Free, Free, Free (Or, At Least
Really Cheap!)" from the October issue, Chris Brooke lists a dozen or so
free resources and tools to help you get that MCSE. Well, we've found yet another one.
Mind Refresh!, which produces prep tools for the MCSE exams (among others), has 50 free
practice questions for Networking Essentials (70-058) and NT Server 4.0 (70-067) that you
can download directly from its site. At 5 megs, it's a biggiebut it also includes
practice questions for NetWare and Cisco exams. The professional versions (150 questions
each) of nine MCP exams are also available, and range in price from $9.95 to $19.95. Mind