Hyperion Releases Integration Server
- By Scott Bekker
- 10/19/1998
Hyperion Solutions Corp. (Sunnyvale, Calif., today announced the immediate availability of Hyperion Integration Server, a suite of graphical tools and scalable data integration services that is designed to reduce the time and expense to create, deploy, and manage analytical applications from data warehouses, data marts, transaction processing applications and ERP systems.
Hyperion Integration Server includes a shared, enterprise OLAP metadata catalog that centralizes reusable OLAP dimensions, hierarchies and sophisticated calculation logic. It integrates summarized, calculated and derived data managed by Hyperion Essbase with detail data stored in relational sources to increase the capacity of analytical applications.
"Metadata integration between Hyperion Essbase and relational data sources enables customers to create new analytical applications on demand and respond immediately to changing business conditions," says Daniel Druker, vice president of marketing for Hyperion Solutions. --Brian Ploskina, Assistant Editor
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.