
NEC,Data General Unveil TPC-C Results on Clustered 8-ways

NEC Corp. ( and Data General Corp. ( unveiled high TPC-C results for a Windows NT system using their technologies today. The announcement was the second in what is sure to be a flurry of published benchmarks by systems vendors eager to show their prowess with Intel’s forthcoming 8-way Profusion chipset.

The system reached 50,208.43 transactions per minute (tpmC) on the Transaction Processing Council ( test for online transaction processing (OLTP) systems. NEC reached the results with four of its Express5800 HV8600 servers. Each had eight 500-MHz Intel Pentium III Xeon processors using 2 MB of L2 cache. The cluster relied on 10 CLARiiON FC5700 Fibre Channel disk storage systems from Data General that amounted to nearly 7 terabytes of storage.

Running on Windows NT 4.0, Enterprise Edition, the NEC servers ran Oracle8i database software.

NEC and Data General submitted the results to the TPC on June 29.

A week earlier, Unisys Corp. and Microsoft Corp. unveiled a 37,757.23 tpmC result on a single Unisys Aquanta 8-way machine with 550-MHz Intel Pentium III Xeon processors running Microsoft SQL Server 7.0.

Unisys and Microsoft arrived at their benchmark at considerably lower cost. That system cost $23.18 per tpmC compared with a $94.05 per tpmC cost for the NEC-Data General-Oracle system.

Major systems vendors are eager to show results approaching linear scalability for the long-delayed Intel 8-way system, expected out sometime in the third quarter. The scalability of non-Profusion systems has historically been disappointing.

The Unisys 8-way results improve upon what vendors were achieving recently with 4-way, single machine tests. Compaq Computer Corp., Dell Computer Corp., Acer and Unisys all published results in the 23,000-25,000 tpmC range in the last few months with costs per tpmC in the $16 to $19 range. The 8-way is 1.5 times as fast as the fastest 4-way at less than 1.25 times the cost.

In early May, Compaq published TPC-C results with a 4-node cluster of 4-way servers running Oracle 8. The company returned results of 40,077.23 tpmC at $40.40 per tpmC. NEC-Data General’s results are 1.25 times as fast at 2.3 times the cost. -- Scott Bekker.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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