
Two Microsoft Exams to Retire

Microsoft has announced that when the new Windows 2000 exam is released, two existing exams will be retired. Those scheduled to retire are Exam 70-053: TCP/IP on Windows NT 3.5-3.51 and Exam 70-077: I

Microsoft makes many efforts to try to ensure the quality of the Microsoft Certified Professional program. To keep up with the industry, new exams are continually being developed and, similarly, some exams need to be retired.

Microsoft has announced that when the new Windows 2000 exam is released the following two exams will be retired: Exam 70-053: TCP/IP on Windows NT (3.5-3.51) and Exam 70-077: IIS 3.0 and Index Server 1.1. When will that be? Windows 2000 is expected to be out in final form sometime in October. A Microsoft representative at May’s TechEd in Dallas told an attendee to watch for beta testing on new exams for Win2K to begin in December.The early TCP/IP test, in addition to qualifying someone for MCP status, was also an elective for MCSE certification. The later exam, 70-059: TCP/IP on Windows NT 4.0, has been available since May 12, 1997. For information on that exam, visit addition to qualifying people as MCPs, the early IIS test served as a credit towards MCP+I certification, a core credit for MCSE+I, and an elective for MCSE certification. The newer version of IIS is covered at exam 70-087: IIS 4.0. It’s been available since April 24, 1998. You can find out about it at an exam retirement affects your certification status, Microsoft says it will send you notice by certified mail at least six months before your certification will be affected. (Good reason to make sure it has your current contact details!) If you’re required to pass a replacement test, you’ll be given a deadline and you’ll also receive 50 percent off the test price if you meet the deadline—you’ll always have at least six months after the exam’s retirement to re-take the exam at half price. If you don’t meet that deadline, you’ll be charged full price for the exam. If your certification isn’t affected by the exam retirement, not to worry; you won’t receive notice.For more information about the retirement of these and other exams, visit Exam retirement schedules are published quarterly. If you’ve visited that site and still have questions about the exam retirements, email the MCP program at [email protected].
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