You’ll recognize the architecture of Windows 2000, which builds on the solid foundation poured for NT 4.0.
Looks Like Home
You’ll recognize the architecture of Windows 2000, which builds on the solid foundation poured for NT 4.0.
With Y2K almost behind us, we won’t have to read any
more articles about the end of civilization. Of course,
it could be argued that civilization ended quite awhile
ago, but at least we don’t have to worry about our information
systems collapsing. Sure, there will be anomalies popping
up now and then for amusement’s sake, but now we can focus
on the blocking and tackling of fundamental network design
and support. Happy New Year!
With distractions behind us, we can more clearly focus
on digestion of Windows 2000, which is necessary, as this
is one hearty meal. I highly recommend you take small
bites or risk choking. As Win2K hits the streets, early
adopters will slide in their CDs straightaway and run
toward the upgrade and migration adventure. The cautious
majority will watch with a careful eye and then follow
behind, plucking the arrows out the backs of predecessors
and marking their locations.
No matter what group you fit into, you’ll be considering
how Win2K fits into your information system future. This
will include at minimum evaluating the product against
your Windows NT 4.x environment. As with all operating
system evaluations, the most important aspects to begin
with are architecture, architecture, and architecture.
A Sound Foundation
The good news for those of us drowning in this sea of
new information is that the architecture of Win2K isn’t
fundamentally different from NT 4.0. This is also good
news because the new services that make up the bulk of
what is considered Win2K are running upon the low-level
services that have matured into a sound foundation.
Of course, there are changes to these low-level individual
components of NT, but they’re essentially extensions to
the existing components, which is in line with the extensibility
of the original NT design. This reliance on the existing
architecture as the foundation for new services is a good
thing. It allowed Microsoft to make major renovations
and to add high-level services, while maintaining reliability
and stability by using production-tested core components.
Win2K continues with the familiar dichotomy of user mode
and kernel mode areas, with an abstracted wall of protection
between them. The user mode area is the container for
the subsystems and processes that directly support the
user’s applications. Processes running in this area can’t
directly access the low-level processes and hardware in
the kernel mode area. This prevents any one process running
in user mode from bringing down the entire operating system.
The Kernel Mode
The kernel mode, otherwise known as processor mode, remains
the same in Win2K. To review, it contains three major
subdivisions that support the low-level operating system
services. These are the Executive, Kernel, and Hardware
Abstraction Layer (HAL).
The HAL is an image of CPU-specific code that allows
Win2K to run across various hardware platforms. HAL allows
a single version of Win2K to be optimized for different
hardware. The kernel is responsible for the preemptive
scheduling and management of the threads that ultimately
perform the actual work of the system. The bulk of the
kernel mode work is performed in the Executive, which
is further subdivided into such fundamental services as
the I/O Manager, Security Reference Monitor, Process Manager,
and Virtual Memory Manager.
Briefly, when a process is initiated, it’s allocated
its own virtual memory space and assigned an identifying
handle so it can be referenced in the system. Any requests
the process makes for resources are passed through the
Security Reference Monitor to verify that the process
has permission to access that resource with the specific
permission requested. As the process reads or writes data,
it uses the I/O Manager to access the particular device
where the information is needed or where you want to place
Yes, There Are Changes
Now let’s talk about what changes. As I mentioned, the
differences in Win2K are more about extensions and enhancements
than major architectural reworks. The vast majority of
the extra 10 million lines of code are in the new services.
However, some of those lines deal with issues that companies
have had with NT on its road to becoming accepted as an
enterprise-level contender.
One of the most visible additions to the Executive is
the Plug and Play Manager. This new Executive-level service
manages communication between the Plug and Play bus drivers
and the Plug and Play device drivers. The bus drivers
allow Win2K to communicate to devices on PCI, ISA, SCSI,
and USB bus types. The Plug and Play Manager has to exist
in the Executive layer of Win2K because it deals directly
with hardware through the drivers. This is a great example
of adding functionality in Win2K through the existing
architecture by adding to the Executive-level services
instead of rewriting them.
This also points out that to fully exploit the new services
in Win2K, you should seriously consider getting new hardware
that supports the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI). This will help to ensure that Plug and Play support
in Win2K doesn’t devolve back to the “Plug and Pray” support
found in the early testing ground that was Windows 95.
Isn’t that just what you wanted to hear? Open up your
The New Security Model
Other examples of the extensibility through modularity
of Win2K are the new security models supported. As I’ve
discussed in the past, NT 4.0 authentication is based
on NT LAN Manager (NTLM), which works rather well, but
with some limitations. First, you must have an account
on the system you want to access; and second, only users
are authenticated, not servers. While servers have accounts
in the SAM, when a user attempts to establish a session
with a server, only the user’s token is compared to the
ACL on the server to grant access. There’s no similar
check with the server’s “token” for the client. Therefore,
only users are verified, not servers. With Kerberos, both
sides of the session conversation are equally verified.
To solve these limitations, public/private key security
and shared key security—Kerberos—have both been added
to the security services of W2K. All of the various new
security services communicate with the Executive’s Security
Reference Monitor (SRM) through standard security APIs
exposed by the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI).
So instead of having to write a completely new security
model, the authentication token compared to a DACL model
is still intact. The only difference is that now you can
use different (and more sophisticated) mechanisms to authorize
the LSA to create a token to represent client processes.
Thread Handling
Another subtle low-level change affects how Win2K handles
multiple threads. On the NT exams, a common question refers
to the smallest unit of work as a thread. While this is
essentially true in terms of CPU requests, threads have
governors associated with them so that the system can
allocate access to the CPUs fairly in relation to the
thread’s priority. This mechanism is called a quantum,
a measurement tied to the number of internal clock ticks
of the processor. This controls the length of time a given
thread can run on the CPU before the scheduler pauses
that thread in deference to another thread of equal priority.
You’ve seen this in the Control Panel | System | Performance
tab, where you can select a performance boost in the foreground
Even though this tab is available in both NT Workstation
and Server, it affects only Workstation. The control directly
relates to a table that is preloaded with quantum (time
slice) numbers of 6, 12, and 18 that will run the selected
number of clock ticks before another thread with the same
priority is given a chance at the CPU. On the server,
the same table exists but the quantum numbers are the
same throughout—each has a value of 36. That’s because
Microsoft has determined for us that a server-based process
is always best served by letting each thread have a longer
crack at the CPU. It’s also been decided that foreground
processes shouldn’t have longer access than background
processes, which, of course, are assumed to be serving
network clients.
In Win2K, the same control exposes this quantum configuration
in more detail and with more flexibility. Win2K gives
you, as administrator, control over how many quantum time
slices should occur before a thread is paused to give
another thread of equal priority access to the CPU. In
the first change, this control is extended to both Win2K
Professional (the workstation version) and Win2K Server.
The second change is that you can choose a variable or
fixed quantum number. This choice determines whether Boost
slide control in the Application Performance area on the
Performance tab has any effect. The other control gives
you an option to choose a short or long quantum time via
a radio button. This control can be used to give a range
of 3 to 9 quantums with short and 6 to 18 with the long
selection. With this granularity, you can have more control
of the preemptive multitasking aspect of Win2K. You can
thus match it with the structure of your applications.
Job Objects
Another change is that processes can be collected and
controlled as one job object. With this type of control,
higher-level tasks that are accomplished through the combination
of numerous processes can be assigned common parameters.
Those common parameters include base priority, shared
working set parameters and CPU time limits, and the ability
to run all of the associated processes with the same access
These and other nuances demonstrate that the overriding
design of Win2K supports significant changes to the functionality
of the OS without having to alter the underlying architecture.
Even the new encryption file service plugs in between
the Security Reference Monitor (SRM) and the Local Security
Authority (LSA). As encryption algorithms change, the
Encrypted File System (EFS) driver and service can be
replaced with a new one without radically changing the
I/O manager or the SRM and LSA.
Although there’s much to learn about Win2K, much remains
the same—allowing us to leverage our existing painfully
acquired knowledge. This is an often unspoken strength
of Win2K.
About the Author
Michael Chacon, MCSE, MCT, is a directory services architect, focusing on the business and technical issues surrounding identity management in the enterprise. He is the co-author of new book coming from Sybex Publishing that covers the MCSA's 70-218 exam.