Microsoft Delivers SP2 for .NET Framework
- By Scott Bekker
- 08/08/2002
Microsoft issued a second service pack for the six-month-old Microsoft .NET Framework this week.
The .NET Framework is a fundamental building block for Microsoft's Web services strategy. The framework provides the runtime environment for XML Web services to run on Windows. Companies that have developed .NET-based services must currently install the framework on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. The framework will be integrated into the Windows .NET Server family, which is supposed to ship in early 2003.
Microsoft launched the framework in February at the same time as the formal release of the Visual Studio .NET integrated development environment, which depends upon the framework for its Web services-related development features.
Almost immediately, in late March, Microsoft released a service pack for .NET that contained just four fixes, an extremely small number for a service pack. SP1 arrived in the middle of the Trustyworthy Computing-related security review, and its most prominent fix was an alteration to default security settings in the .NET Framework.
Documentation accompanying the new service pack lists 14 new fixes in SP2. In addition, the service pack includes the four fixes from SP1. Once installed, the Microsoft .NET Framework SP2 can only be uninstalled by removing the entire framework and/or SDK from a system.
The Microsoft .NET Framework SP2 is available at:
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.