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More Executive Moves at MS, Google, Apple

Must be the weather. The news last week that Muglia was leaving Microsoft still had pundits' lips a-flapping, and already this week we learned of another move: Brad Brooks jumping to Juniper Networks. Brooks is responsible for consumer marketing for Windows, and maybe he's getting out while he's on top of the world -- unlike what's happened to many key execs at the company recently.

Bigger news, though, is that Google CEO Eric Schmidt is stepping aside come April 4, with cofounder Larry Page taking the reins. Schmidt will remain as a strategist (whatever that means), although some pundits believe this to be akin to ousting him from the company.

And, of course, there's the issue of Steve Jobs and his health that tops all. Apple COO Tim Cook takes over, and that has pundits all atwitter whether the company can run Jobs-less, at least for what's being called a temporary basis.

As an IT pro, do these exec moves have any bearing on your IT decisions? Comment here.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 01/20/2011 at 11:59 AM

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