Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz: Windows Server 2012 DHCP Address Management

Applies to the “Deploy and Configure Core Network Services” objective of Exam 70-410.


Q: A company's network administrator needs to ensure a specific IP address is never assigned by a Windows Server 2012 DHCP server to any device connecting to the network.

Which of the following should the administrator configure on the Windows Server 2012 DHCP server?

  1. Reservation
  2. Scope options
  3. NAP
  4. Scope properties

Answer and explanation are below.

Answer is A. Configuring an IP address as a reservation will restrict a DHCP server's assignment of that address unless a specific MAC address makes a request for the address.

Quick Tip: Policies can also be defined per scope or server. Policy based assignment (PBA) allows an administrator to group DHCP clients by specific attributes based on fields contained in the DHCP client request packet. This feature allows for targeted administration and greater control of configuration parameters delivered to network devices.


Bonus Question: Which Windows Server 2012 Active Directory tool can be used to locate inactive accounts, expired passwords, locked accounts and so on? (The answer, of course, will be revealed next time!)

Answer to bonus question from last time: IPAM (IP Address Management) in Windows Server 2012 is a new built-in framework for discovering, monitoring, auditing, and managing the IP address space used on a corporate network. IPAM provides for administration and monitoring of servers running Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name Service (DNS).


About the Author

Andy Barkl, MCT/MCITP/MCSA, A+, Network+, Security+, CCNA has been studying technology for 30 years. Of the last 15 years, he has spent much of his time parting the knowledge and experience he has gained through IT exams, over 300, to help others be prepared and successful. He teaches classes in Phoenix, Ariz. where he has lived most of his life. He can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

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