Use a handy utility called XRay.exe to scrutinize objects and understand what they can add to your scripting efforts.
X-Ray Vision
Use a handy utility called XRay.exe to scrutinize objects and understand what they can add to your scripting efforts.
- By Chris Brooke
- 02/01/2000
Last month I made two promises: 1) that this column would
continue along the “cool and useful” track laid down by
my “Windows Utilities” column last year; and 2) that I
would do my best to help you understand the complexities
of using objects in your scripts. Well, there must be
some sort of cosmic convergence going on, because this
month’s column is going to fulfill both promises! Furthermore,
this knowledge comes to us via—you guessed it—a Windows
utility! (This should help ease the transition for those
of you who were distraught over the column change.)
We’ve previously established that components (objects)
can add real horsepower to your scripts (see my January
column, and my article “Supercharge your Scripts”
in the October 1999 issue). However, using components
presents its own unique challenges. For starters, perhaps
all you know about the components we used in the January
column is what I’ve told you. I’ve hinted that there’s
more power under the hood just waiting to be released,
but how do you find it? XRay.exe, an object model viewer,
that’s how!
The Method to My Madness
Before we get into what this XRay.exe does and how it
works, perhaps a little background is in order. Quite
simply, components are self-contained pieces of compiled
code. They have properties (also known as attributes or
variables), methods (functions they perform), and events
(alerts). You can access these components only via these
exposed interfaces. All of the logic inside is hidden
from you. As such, these types of components are commonly
referred to as “black-box” components. You send something
to them, and you get something in return. The rest is
Let’s take the FileSystemObject (or FSO), for example.
Last month we used the methods OpenTextFile, WriteLine,
and Close to write data to a file. However, there are
lots of other methods and properties available to us.
Moreover, the FSO itself is merely one component of the
Windows Scripting Runtime (SCRRUN.DLL), which is the actual
file that houses all of these components.
Confused? Let’s look at the Scripting Runtime DLL using
XRay.exe and see if we can’t clear some things up.
Try These X-Ray Specs
XRay.exe is included in the Internet Information Server
4.0 Resource Kit Utilities (found in your TechNet subscription).
Figure 1 shows the Windows Scripting Runtime loaded into
XRay. The title bar shows the filename (SCRRUN.DLL); the
top line shows the object name (Scripting). The various
components (including the FileSystemObject) are the next
branch of the tree, followed by the individual properties,
methods, and events. Strictly speaking, the components
are called classes. To use a component in our script,
we must reference it by objectname.classname, as in:
The reason we use the object name (Scripting) rather
than the file name (SCRRUN.DLL) is because that’s how
it’s referenced in the registry (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\classid).
Since the Scripting Runtime is included with Windows,
it’s already registered. If we use third-party components
(as we will next month), we must first register them using
Figure 1. Get a closer look at
components with XRay.exe. |
The XRay utility shows us virtually everything we need
to know about the component. Looking back at Figure 1,
you can see that the DeleteFile method is selected. The
right pane shows us that in order to use this method,
we’re required to pass it a string containing the name
of the file to be deleted. Optionally, we can include
a Boolean value to force the file to be deleted. Since
the method doesn’t return a value to tell us whether or
not it succeeded (note the VOID at the beginning), we
may want to set this to True.
The Really Fun Part
The method above returns VOID, but not all methods do.
Rather, they can return any variable, including a string,
integer, or Boolean. Where components get really interesting
is when a method from one component instantiates (creates)
another component. You may recall that we touched on this
briefly last month. Figure 2 shows just such a method.
Figure 2. COMProcreation—components
creating other components. What’s the world coming
to? |
The CreateFolder method is highlighted; in the right
pane, you can see that the prototype begins with IFOLDER.
This tells us that this method returns (instantiates)
another component—in this case a FOLDER component. (I
assume that the “I” is there to tell us that this is an
“instance” of or “interface” to that component.) The script
will look something like this:
Dim objFSO, objFolder
Set objFSO=CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set objFolder=objFSO.CreateFolder(“c:\MyFolder”)
We now have a Folder component that we can look at, set
the properties of, and so on. The really, really fun part
is that this new component has methods of its own that
may create other components. And these components can
create still other components. (And you’ll tell two friends,
and they’ll tell two friends, and so on…)
By looking at these components using XRay, you can really
gain a clear picture of what they can do and how they
interact with each other. As we progress on this adventure,
I will be using lots of components in my scripts, so start
getting used to it now.
Next month, we’re going to take what we’ve learned today
and accomplish a fairly tricky bit of scripting: using
the Scripting Runtime and two third-party components to
perform a file update from an FTP server. Stay tuned—you’re
gonna love it! I promise. And you know I always keep my
About the Author
Chris Brooke, MCSE, is a contributing editor for Redmond magazine and director of enterprise technology for ComponentSource. He specializes in development, integration services and network/Internet administration. Send questions or your favorite scripts to [email protected].