Sales Slowing on Windows 2000?
Since release, Microsoft sales of latest networking operating system pegged at 1.5 million licenses.
During a keynote at Windows World/Comdex in Chicago, Tod Nielson, vice president of the Microsoft platform group, said Microsoft licensed more than 1.5 million copies of Windows 2000 in the two months since the launch. But, industry observers doing the math have estimated that that number indicates sales for the newest network OS have slowed down by half in the second month, if Microsoft's initial estimate of 1 million licenses in the first month since releasing Windows 2000 are true.
The number of licenses likely includes all editions: Professional, Server, and Advanced Server, but as ENT Magazine's Scott Bekker reports from Chicago, "Industry observers suspect Professional accounts for more than 90 percent of the licenses."
To read Scott Bekker's report in ENT Magazine, go to