
Unisys Puts Three Tiers in One Box

Unisys Corp. is making a bid to house the standard Windows three-tier infrastructure entirely in one massive cabinet. The configuration is based on the ES7000 line of Intel-based servers that the Pennsylvania-based company has offered for the last three years.

The three-tier architecture typically consists of a database back end, an application server middle tier and Web servers on the front end. The new Unisys ES7000/560 mixes 32-bit and 64-bit Intel processors to house the architecture.

Twin 16-processor partitions of 64-bit Itanium 2 processors provide the back end. A 32-processor Intel Xeon MP partition is positioned as the middle tier. Unisys provides up to 42 single purpose PCI blades, each with processor, memory and networking, as the front end.

The systems, which include Unisys' Server Sentinel technology for managing the partitions and hardware, start at $250,000. The servers are available immediately. Systems running Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition will be available in June.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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