Script Tips

ADSI Resources

Better ADSI documentation is coming. For now, Microsoft's version will have to do.

A reader writes, "Where can I find a resource that lists the classes available from the WinNT ADSI provider?"

I do wish ADSI were better documented from a scripting point of view. In fact, author Cade Fasset is working on ADSI Scripting: TFM (yes, the "TFM" from "RTFM"!) which should be coming out soon. In the meantime, Microsoft does have documentation available. Unfortunately, it's meant more for C++ programmers, so you'll have to kind of squint your eyes for it to make sense, but it'll at least tell you what types of objects you have to work with. The online docs can be found here.

Here's how to use them: Let's say you're interested in the FileService class. Click on IADsFileService to see what it can do. This will list all its properties and methods.

Want to work with open resources? A note says, "To access active sessions or open resources used by the file service, you must go through the IADsFileServiceOperations interface to retrieve sessions or resources." OK, go back one page and click on IADsFileServiceOperations; you'll see the properties and methods the file server operations can have, including the Resources collection. Click on that and you learn that it's a collection of IADsResource interfaces. Sigh. Click on IADsResources and you'll finally see that open resources have a name, lock count, path, user, user path and other properties. Hurry up with that book, Cade.

About the Author

Don Jones is a multiple-year recipient of Microsoft’s MVP Award, and is Curriculum Director for IT Pro Content for video training company Pluralsight. Don is also a co-founder and President of, a community dedicated to Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell technology. Don has more than two decades of experience in the IT industry, and specializes in the Microsoft business technology platform. He’s the author of more than 50 technology books, an accomplished IT journalist, and a sought-after speaker and instructor at conferences worldwide. Reach Don on Twitter at @concentratedDon, or on Facebook at

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