Weekly quickTIP

No More Clicky-Clicky

Administer the ADUC through the command line tools. First up: DSADD

I'm Greg Shields and this is my first column for MCPmag.com. You might know me from my "Windows Insider" column for Redmond magazine. In the same spirit, I'll offer tips and tricks to help you, the systems administrator, get the most from Windows and the systems you manage. Let's do this.

Tired of the ADUC -- the Active Directory Users & Computers -- with all its mouse-moving and clicky-clicky? Among others, Windows Server 2003 adds four native tools that make the administration of "The A-Duck" a whole lot more command-line friendly. The first in our series, DSADD allows for the generation of Active Directory objects. Need to create a new global group called "Sales" in the Groups OU for the FirstClassCorp.com domain? Just enter:

dsadd group "cn=Sales,ou=Groups,dc=FirstClassCorp,dc=com" -secgrp yes -scope g

Note that any time we have spaces in the distinguished name for an object, we have to encapsulate it with quotes. OU's are done similarly. Let's create a new OU for those pesky sales people:

dsadd ou "ou=Sales People,dc=FirstClassCorp,dc=com"

Now, we'll create a new user account for the new sales guy, John Brown, in our new Sales OU, give him a new initial password and require him to change it the first time he logs in:

dsadd user "cn=John Brown,ou=Sales People,dc=FirstClassCorp,dc=com" -samid jbrown -fn John -ln Brown -display "John Brown" -pwd N@wPassw8rd -mustchpwd yes

There's plenty more object-creating ability using DSADD. Just do a DSADD /? at the command prompt to find out more. We'll cover other tools next time.

Remember that this column is all about helping you! If you have a question or a great tip or trick to share, drop me a line at [email protected]. We'll publish the best tips and the most interesting questions in future columns. And some of you will earn a Redmond T-shirt in the process.

About the Author

Greg Shields is Author Evangelist with PluralSight, and is a globally-recognized expert on systems management, virtualization, and cloud technologies. A multiple-year recipient of the Microsoft MVP, VMware vExpert, and Citrix CTP awards, Greg is a contributing editor for Redmond Magazine and Virtualization Review Magazine, and is a frequent speaker at IT conferences worldwide. Reach him on Twitter at @concentratedgreg.

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