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MS Orders Minions To Get Win7

"Deploy Windows 7 now." That's Microsoft talkin' to enterprise customers and we're wondering if anyone is listening, or is Windows 7 sales going to get pounded in a proverbial trainwreck in these last few months of 2009?

Consumer sales of Win7 are likely to be better than Vista, so let's ignore that. Instead, let's look at how Microsoft is appealing to the IT pro, an important segment where Win7 sales might prove a bit more difficult. To grab that segment's attention, the oft-cited reasons for deploying Win7 are DirectAccess, BranchCache and an improved BitLocker.

So, that's got us wondering if those are reasons enough in and of themselves to migrate or upgrade. If you're using any of these features or believe any one of them is a compelling reason to consider, do tell us here. (And we'd also like to hear if your company is planning to deploy Win7 soon or why you're planning to stick with Vista or XP.)

Posted by Michael Domingo on 09/17/2009 at 11:59 AM

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