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Cloud Computing: Where Microsoft is Putting Its Bet

If it's good enough for Microsoft, is it good enough for you? The company has been getting higher and higher into the cloud, so much so that now it's predicting that internal use will hover near 100 percent by the end of this decade. We're not talking just using Office apps online, either. It'll be key line of business apps sitting in the Azure cloud, so the company is making a leap that's based on more than faith. Mary Jo Foley, a Redmond magazine columnist, confirms the company's plans in an interview she did with Microsoft CIO Tony Scott while at Tech-Ed (over at ZDNet), so we know the information is reliable.

So, let me repeat in so many words, but have you answer back: If Microsoft is putting the majority of its company into the cloud, what percentage of your company can you see being in the cloud by the end of this decade?

Posted by Michael Domingo on 06/10/2010 at 11:59 AM

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