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MCPmag.com's Certification Survey Coming Right Up!

A Redmond reader, who we'll call W.S. for now, a business development exec with an Illinois ISV, noticed the glaring lack of certification data in the 2010 Redmond Salary Survey:

I was surprised in reading your salary survey article, where you mention certifications weren't so important anymore. That may be the case with engineers (MCSEs or whatever equivalent) and managers, but I'm not sure that's the case for developers/DBAs, etc.

The one complaint I have with Microsoft is they stopped releasing the MCP numbers worldwide. That helped me convince my boss that a certification I had was hard to get. Now there's no way to prove a kid out of high school doesn't have the same certification.

W.S., your feedback does not fall on deaf ears. You'll be happy to know that we do intend to compile certification-related salary data, but in the MCPmag.com Salary Report, not in the Redmondmag.com version. That survey will kick off tomorrow, and run for the next few weeks. So, if you get an e-mail invite, please do help us out and fill it quickly. (Our target for publication is end of September.)

On the other issue, W.S., I can't help you. We wonder where those numbers are now and whether Microsoft Learning will start publishing them again.

Posted by Michael Domingo on 08/12/2010 at 11:59 AM

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