Imagination Engineer
The NT Resource Kit Supplement 4 is packed with cool new tools, including this little gem that lets you do anything from network diagramming to full-blown computer-aided design.
- By Chris Brooke
- 11/01/1999
I just love getting new toys in the mail, don’t you?
Case in point: I’m holding in my hand NT Resource Kit
Supplement 4. Not only does it contain updates to many
of the Resource Kit Utilities (some of which have been
covered previously in these pages), but it also professes
to contain more than 60 new tools and utilities to make
your administrative life easier. Since it’s my duty to
keep you, gentle reader, abreast of all that’s good and
noble and decent (and really, really cool) in the arena
of Windows utilities, I’ve decided to devote the next
few months to covering what I consider to be the cream
of this new crop.
Inside the Package
Before we get to this month’s featured tool, let’s take
a look at Supplement 4 itself. There’s a lot here and
I don’t want you to miss a thing. For starters, a Resource
Kit Supplement is a lot like an NT Service Pack. It contains
every update from previous supplements. So all you need
to be completely up to date is the original NT Resource
Kit (which, no doubt, is sitting right on your desk in
your free TechNet subscription) and Supplement 4.
One of the neat new features of this supplement is that
it contains the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK
or eek!) for Internet Explorer 5.0. Previously, you had
to jump through many hoops and ask very nicely in order
to obtain the IEAK. But now Microsoft has (wisely) included
it here. You do have to install it separately, though,
because it’s not installed as part of the Resource Kit
Utilities. In fact, this new supplement contains quite
a few gadgets that require separate installation, including:
- Internet Explorer 5.0
- NT Service Pack 5 (exportable 40-bit security)
- Imagination Engineer LE
- Windows Management Instrumentation (Web-based enterprise
management. It may take me two columns to cover this!)
- Windows Scripting Host
- Crystal Reports 6
- Virtual Motion RAS Manager
- Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK—partner
to the IEAK)
Let Your Imagination Run Wild
We’re going to look at one of these applications today:
Imagination Engineer LE. This is basically a “lite” version
of Intergraph SmartSketch (previously named Imagineer
Technical), which could best be described as Visio on
steroids. Not only does this tool allow you to diagram
your network equipment, it also has templates for office
layout and designing relational mechanisms. In other words,
you can use it to do computer-aided design (CAD) on machines
with moving parts. You simply drag and drop the appropriate
mechanical symbols, establish the relationship, and presto!
I must stress again that the version on the Supplement
4 CD is a “lite” version of the full SmartSketch product.
In fact, it seemed like every time I turned around, I
was given the opportunity to upgrade.
The light version contains tutorials covering just about
anything you might want to accomplish. For instance, there
are four separate tutorials on drawing basics:
- Setting up a document
- Basic sketching
- Modifying a drawing
- Adding dimensions
In addition to those, there are also tutorials for the
three main types of activities for which you’d use Imagination
Engineer LE:
- Network design
- Office layout
- Engine mechanism
Lite But Strong
The tutorials are quite detailed in this version. I must
admit, I was very impressed with the capabilities of the
application. How many of us haven’t needed, from time
to time, to produce a diagram of our networks? Why, not
more than two weeks ago I had to produce a diagram of
our network for the tech guys in our UK office. I hadn’t
yet received the RK Supplement 4, so I ended up using
Visio to do it. Not that it was a bad thing—Visio is a
great product—but since you’re probably going to buy the
RK supplement anyway, why shell out the extra 200 clams
for Visio Standard if you don’t have to?
Besides, this baby does so much more than just simple
network diagrams. Figure 1 shows a screen shot of the
“Engine Mechanism” tutorial. It’s even cooler when you
see it in action. Not only can you set up relationships
between different parts, you can actually move the “machine”
through its entire range of motion. Pretty sweet!
Figure 1. The Engine Mechanism
tutorial helps you set up relationships among different
parts and move the “machine” through its entire range
of motion. |
Even if you only use it for simple network diagrams,
Imagination Engineer LE is well worth the money—since
it’s free and all. But I have a sneaking suspicion that
after using it a few times, you might just find yourself
clicking “yes” at one of the many “Do You Want To Upgrade
Now” screens. Stranger things have happened.
About the Author
Chris Brooke, MCSE, is a contributing editor for Redmond magazine and director of enterprise technology for ComponentSource. He specializes in development, integration services and network/Internet administration. Send questions or your favorite scripts to [email protected].