Today at 4 pm Pacific! "Win2K Foundations" Chat with Harry Brelsford
Join Harry Brelsford today, August 10, at 4 pm Pacific for a chat on implementing Windows 2000 and certification.
Need to brush up on your Win2K implementation and administration skills? Then put together a list of questions and join Harry Brelsford, MCSE, MCT, for this live, one-hour "Windows 2000 Foundation" chat, in which he'll be on hand to take on your technical AND exam questions.
The chat takes place in the #PA1 room this Thursday, August 10, at 4 p.m. Pacific (Los Angeles) time; to figure the time difference in your location, go to
Before you join the chat, be sure to read Harry's latest column, "Keeping Your Win2K Server Happy," now online at
Remember, participants can win MCP Magazine stuff and self-study products during the chat. For rules, details on how to join the chat, and chat transcripts, go to
Also, be sure to check the chat schedule for a series of Windows 2000 core exam chats to be hosted by Online Chat Editor Andy Barkl, MCSE+I, MCT, in the next few weeks.