
Windows 2000: One Year Later

Have you worked with Windows 2000 for the last six months? Tell us what you've learned and get <i>MCP Magazine</i> stuff!

Have you worked with Windows 2000 for the last six months? Up to this point, what are your conclusions about the product? Do your systems run better or worse? Have client support issues been unusually easy or difficult? What applications work better, or not at all? What new set of problems has it introduced? And, has your workload increased or decreased months after the implementation process?

For an upcoming story, we ask that you take an introspective look at the impact -- both positive and negative -- that Windows 2000 has had on you professionally, and write up your conclusions in 500 words or less.

To participate, write to [email protected], with "Windows 2000: 1 Year Later" on the Subject line. Also include Microsoft certifications you hold, position and company you work for (optional), and mailing address. Submissions will be accepted until Dec. 22.

We'll choose the best comments for inclusion in our March 2001, and randomly select 10 from the bunch to receive cool MCP Magazine mugs and hats.

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