
SharePoint Portal Server Released to Manufacturing

SharePoint Portal Server, formerly codenamed Tahoe, was released to manufacturing today. A final version of the package designed to speed portal and intranet development is available to select OEMs and professional services organizations

A number of vendors have pledged their support for Microsoft Corp’s new product. Support arms of Hewlett Packard Co, Compaq Computer Corp, Unisys Corp, and Dell Computer Corp, all said that they would integrate the product into their slate of offerings. IBM Corp. is notably absent from the list, perhaps because its K-Station knowledge management suite competes indirectly for company knowledge sharing.

SharePoint Portal Server integrates with Microsoft Office and other applications to share data between workers in an organization. Microsoft developed Web Parts, XML-based objects for speedy web development and automation. End users can create personal “dashboards” which automatically update information from services such as Exchange, as well as web pages.

SharePoint Portal Server is expected to hit the market late this spring. Christopher McConnell

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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