
Sites Defaced at Hosting Company Running IIS 5

Official Web sites for Jennifer Aniston, Denzel Washington and Mel Gibson hosted by, which uses Windows 2000/Internet Information Services 5.0, were defaced Thursday morning.

The attack was one of the first high profile defacements of a professional site running Windows 2000 and IIS 5.0.

Hackers calling themselves Prime Suspectz replaced all three Web pages --, and -- with a new page.

The Prime Suspectz page displayed a Brazilian flag and read, "Prime Suspectz owns* great famous popstars of the world-wide cinema."

All the messages were benign, such as:
"Hi Mel Gibson, my mother loves you!!"; "Jennifer, we love you!!"; and "Hey Danzel [sic], you are a very good actor and my mother loves you too."

According to the Web site monitoring tool at Netcraft, Celebsites previously hosted its pages on the FreeBSD operating system and Apache Web server. The move to Windows 2000/IIS 5 may have happened only in the last month.

Celebsites hosts 28 official celebrity sites and has another 24 in development, according to information on the company's home page. –

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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