
Microsoft Licenses Resource Management Tool for Datacenter

Microsoft Corp. entered into an agreement to provide resource management functionality in its high-end Windows 2000 Datacenter Server operating system by licensing the technology.

The technology will be available as a free download from the Microsoft Web site, but customers who want more than 30 days worth of support will have to pay for it from the technology's owner, Aurema Inc.

Aurema calls its tool Active Resource Management Technology (ARMTech) for Windows. Aurema also makes versions of ARMTech for Unix and Linux. The tool provides for resource allocation and prioritization of processor, memory and other resources on a system running several applications.

The functionality is increasingly important for Windows enterprises in the midst of combining applications on fewer servers. Server consolidation is one of the primary market niches for the Datacenter Server operating system, which scales to 32 processors and ships with an internal tool for statically allocating processors to applications.

Members of Microsoft's Datacenter Program, the stable of vendors authorized to sell Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, were lining up to help their customers access the tool.

"By offering ARMTech to Unisys ES7000 customers, we continue to deliver on our commitment to provide the processor control our customers need when consolidating large-scale applications onto our servers," Steven Jones, director of CMP Program Management at Unisys Corp, said in a statement.

The Aurema tool is available for download here.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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