
MCSAs, MCSEs Likely To Take Upgrade Path

MCSEs and certification candidates favor the new upgrade exams and most will take them, according to two recent Web Polls.

According to two recent Web polls, the majority of those already certified look favorably upon the new upgrade exams, 70-292: Managing and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Certified on Windows 2000 and 70-296: Managing and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Certified on Windows 2000, and plan to take them when Microsoft releases them to the general public.

In a poll conducted Feb. 21-27, 64.4 percent of the 333 who voted indicated that they have the MCSA or MCSE on Windows 2000 and plan to continue to take the 70-292 upgrade. Another 9.9 percent said they would take the long route to completion of the MCSA and MCSE titles. Certification or no, about 27.6 percent are taking a break from certification.

A poll for the 70-296 Upgrade exam that was conducted Mar. 27 to Apr. 6 showed that at least half of the 474 MCSEs who voted — 52.7 percent — plan to take that exam. Another 11.6 percent of MCSAs and MCSEs are opting to take the full complement of exams for the MCSE on Windows Server 2003, while 20.5 percent voted that they won't (take it.

The complete results of both polls can be viewed online at and

Microsoft has indicated that these exams will not be as long as the marathon four-hour 70-240: Accelerated exam, which was the MCSE on Windows 2000 upgrade option for MCSEs on NT 4.0. Rather, the tests will be more typical in duration to current MCP exams, which can last from one hour to 90 minutes. Also, while 70-240 was free, the 70-292 and 70-296 exams will be priced at similar MCP exam prices ($125US). Microsoft hasn't finalized duration times or pricing on these exams, but will do so upon release.

One other unique differentiator: While the 70-240 exam could only be tried once, the new upgrade exams can be taken as many times until they're passed.

The exam objective guides for both exams can be found at and The new MCSE on Windows Server 2003 requirements can be found at

About the Author

Michael Domingo has held several positions at 1105 Media, and is currently the editor in chief of Visual Studio Magazine.

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