
Analyst Firm Expects Microsoft Exchange to Widen Lead over Lotus Domino

Customer confusion over Lotus' messaging software strategy and its potentially complex upgrade path will help Microsoft widen its lead over the IBM subsidiary, according to an analyst firm specializing in messaging.

In research published this week, the Radicati Group asserts that the installed base of Lotus Domino will peak in 2005, and decline from 24 percent to 17 percent in the next several years. Radicati projects that the Microsoft Exchange installed base will grow from a 31 percent share of the corporate messaging software market in 2004 to a 33 percent share in 2008.

"The new [Lotus] Workplace platform will not experience significant uptake for several years to come," Radicati wrote in a statement about its report, "IBM Lotus & Microsoft -- Corporate Messaging Market Analysis."

"Informal conversations with Domino customers suggest that a significant number of companies will choose to migrate to other platforms due to IBM Lotus' confusing new messaging software direction. Concurrently, the new Workplace platform is expected to generate only limited uptake due to its lack of definition and potentially complex upgrade path," according to Radicati.

About the Author

Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.

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